Impressive one-page parallax Theme!
Rise is a fully responsive, single page HTML5 & CSS3 Template that offers stunning design, really great compatibility for agency, personal portfolio, corporate, freelancer, general business and app landing page etc;
With tons of options and elite support create a unique and perfect website for any kind of project.
- Unlimited layout Possibilities
- Animated Sticky navigation
- Gorgeous design
- 4 color skins
- Semantic and valid code
- isotope filter for portfolio
- Pricing table and Services design
- Cool & smooth CSS3 animations
- Premium Revolution Slider
- Blog page
- Fully responsive
- Smooth scrolling
- Functional contact form
- Testimonials Scroll
- Font Awesome icons support
- Unique team section design
- Social icons with tool tip
- Parallax effects
- Accordion and Tabs
- Extremely easy to setup
- Compatible with major browsers
Please Note: The images used in the demo are not included in the source.
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